[1] [2] Contareno. The number of christians that died. Bizari. In all, there died of the christians to the number of seauen thousand six hundred fiftie and six, beside those that were hurt, being in like number to them that were slaine, among whom was don Iohn de Au|stria, generall of all the christian armie there, Seba|stian Ueniero the Uenetians generall, & the counte de Santa Fiore with diuerse others. Moreouer, there were christian gallies bouged, thrée of the Ue|netians, one of the popes, one belonging to the duke of Sauoie, Contareno. and another to the knights of Malta. There was one also taken & led awaie by Ochialie, and his companie.The space how long the battell conti|nued. Such was the successe of this bat|tell, which continued for the space of six houres, in the end whereof the victorie remaining with the christi|ans, caused no small reioising through all parties of christendome. For if this victorie had béene followed, with his gratious helpe and assistance that was the giuer thereof, the proud and loftie horne of the Is|maelite had béene so brused, as peraduenture his courage would haue quailed to put foorth the same so spéedilie as he did. But such is the malice of the time, that the christians haue more pleasure to draw their weapons one against another,A common fault among christians. than against that common enimie of vs all, who regardeth neither pro|testant nor catholike (they may be sure) those of the Gréekish church nor others, as if the mercifull proui|dence of the Lord of hosts doo not in time disappoint his proceedings, it will be too soone perceiued, though happilie too late to stop the breach, when the floud hath got head, and once woone passage through the banke.