[1] [2] [3] The whole number of the slaine. Bizari. Contareno. Some yet affirme, that there were slaine of them in all, to the number of one and twentie thousand, although other speake but of fifteene thousand. But Contareno writeth, that there were slaine and ta|ken 29990. Of which number he reckoneth 3846 to haue remained prisoners, and among them were these persons of name, Mahemet Beie, Sainus Beie, Bizari. and Sirocho Beie. There escaped yet from this discomfiture, Partau, generall of all the men of warre and souldiors by land,Persons that escaped from this discom|fiture. Ochialie, Murate Raie with his sonne, and Hali Genouese, and with them about fortie gallies, foists, and fregats. More|ouer, there were found in the Turkish gallies that came into the hands of the christians,Booties that fell into the christians hands. one hundred and sixteene double canons, two hundred sixtie and fiue demie canons, and sixtéene other great peeces of brasse. For it is to be remembred, that not one|lie the Turkish gallies, but also the christians were throughlie armed, furnished, and appointed with men, munition, and ordinance in euerie behalfe.