[1] There were present at this sermon, the lord maior of London sir William Allen, with the aldermen and craftsmen in their liueries.The assemblie at this sermõ. And in the euening there were bonefiers made through the citie, with banketting and great reioising, as good cause there was, for a victorie of so great importance vnto the whole state of the christian common-wealth. In the which were taken one hundred and thirtie vessels, Contareno. that is, one hundred and seuentéene gallies, and thir|téene galleots, beside other vessels that were bou|ged, abandoned, and let go at large abroad in the seas, as gallies, foists, and galleots, to the number of fourescore, or thereabouts. And of their chiefe|teins slaine in that bloudie battell, these we find by name as principall:Principals among the Turkes slaine. Halie Bassa high admerall of the whole nauie, Amar Beie capteine of the Ianis|saries, Assan Beie the sonne of Barbarossa, with his sonne Mehemet Beie gouernor of Mitellene, Gider Beie gouernour of Chio, Capsan Beie go|uernour of the Rhodes, Peruis Aga gouernour of Affrica otherwise Mahomeda, Mustafa Scelu|bie high treasuror, Affis Clueaga capteine of Gal|lipolie, Tramontana chiefe maister of the Tur|kish [page 1227] emperours owne gallie, Caracoza, and also ma|nie others, whose names were too long to rehearse: but the whole number that were slaine of the Turks could not be perfectlie knowne, by reason that ma|nie were drowned in the sea, which came not to sight.