[1] [2] [3] [4] On the sixtéenth of Iulie, Rebecca Chamber, late wife to Thomas Chamber of Heriettesham,A woman burnt at Maidston for poisoning. was found culpable of poisoning the said Thomas Cham|ber hir husband, at the assises holden at Maidstone in the countie of Kent. For the which fact she (hauing well deserued) was there burnt on the next morrow. The seuenth of September, the duke of Norffolke was remooued from the Charterhouse,

Duke of Norffolke sent to the tower.

Bishop of Sa+lisburie de|ceassed.

to the tower of London prisoner. The two and twentith of Sep|tember deceassed Iohn Iewell bishop of Salisbu|rie, in his life a most eloquent and diligent preacher, but a far more painefull and studious writer, as his workes remaining doo beare witnesse, wherby his fame shall neuer die. The ninth of Nouember, a sermon was preached in Paules church at London,A sermon in Paules church for victorie a|gainst the Turkes. by maister William Foulks of Cambridge, to giue thanks to almightie God for the victorie, which of his mercifull clemencie it had pleased him to grant to the christians in the Leuant seas, against the com|mon enimies of our faith, the Turks, the seuenth of October last past. His theame was taken out of the sixtéenth psalme of Dauids psalter, the fourth verse.