[1] [2] After all this solemne order was finished,The lord chéefe iustice toucheth the present case. the lord chiefe iustice rehearsing the maner of bringing the writ of right by Simon Low, of the answer made therevnto by Paramore, of the procéeding therein, and how Paramore had challenged to defend his right to the land by battell, by his champion Tho|mas Thorne, and of the accepting the triall that was by Low with his champion Henrie Nailer: & then for default of appearance in Low, he adiudged the land to Paramore, & dismissed the champion, acqui|ting the suerties of their bands. He also willed Hen|rie Nailer to render againe to George Thorne his gantlet. Whereto the said Nailer answered, that his lordship might command him anie thing, but wil|linglie he wold not render the said gantlet to Thorne except he could win it. And further he challenged the said Thorne to play with him halfe a score blowes,Nailer cha|lengeth Thorne at a few blowes. to shew some pastime to the lord chiefe iustice, & to the o|ther there assembled. But Thorne answered, that he came to fight, & would not plaie. Then the lord chiefe iustice commending Nailer for his valiant courage, cõmanded them both quietlie to depart the field, &c.