[1] [2] [3] In the maine countries he was accompanied with the gouernours and nobles of the places about. And in the good townes where he passed, he was pre|sented by the chiefe magistrates, wherein their good wils were to be thankefullie accepted, though his lordships rewards far ouervalued their presents. At his approch néere to Paris he was incountred on the waie for courtesie sake, by two marquesses of Trans and Saluces; this being of the house of Sa|uoie, and the other of the worthie familie of Fo [...]x. These wanted not such as accompanied them, and the same euen of the best sort. At the lord ambassa|dors first audience,The first [...] of the lord am|bassadors au|dience. which was at the castell of Ma|drill, otherwise called Bullogne néere Paris (where the king then laie) the quéenes Almane coches verie brauelie furnished were sent to Paris for him, in one of the which his lordship with the marquesse of Trans rode towards the court, verie narrowlie es|caping from a shrewd turne and great mischance, by reason the same co [...]h was ouerthrowen by the Dutch wagoners their negligence, who in a brauerie gallopping the field made an ouer short [...], where|with the [...] was sore bru [...]ed.