[1] [2] The seuenteenth of Februarie at a place called Kinnaston,A strange kind of earth moouing in the countie of He|reford. néere Marlech hill in the countie of He|reford, was séene the ground to open, and certeine rockes with a péece of ground remooued, and went forward the space of foure daies, making at the first a terrible noise as it went on the earth. It remooued it selfe betwéene six of the clocke in the euening, & se|uen the next morrow fortie pases, carrieng great trees and shéepecotes, some sheepecotes with three|score sheepe in them, some trées fell into the chinkes, other that grew on the same ground, grow now as firmelie on a hill; and some that stood east, stand west; and those that stood west, stand east. The depth of the hole where it first brake out is thirtie foot, the breadth of the breach is eight score yards, and in length aboue twentie score yards. It ouerthrew Kinnaston cha|pell. Also two high waies be remooued nigh one hun|dred yards, with the trées of the hedgerowes. The ground in all is six and twentie acres: and where til|lage ground was, there is pasture left in place; and where was pasture, there is tillage ground gone vp|on it. The ground as it remooued draue the earth be|fore it, & at the lower part ouerwhelmed the ground, so that it is growen to a great hill of twelue fadams high. It remooued from saturdaie till mondaie at night following, and so staied.