[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] At Prum hill marish, foure miles from Rie, the water came in so outragiouslie,Hurt in Kent by the same tempest and breaking in o [...] the streame. that it brake downe the marish wals, one master Burie being owner thereof, who lost by the same a thousand one hundred threescore and two of his shéepe, and it is thought that the marish is neuer like to be gotten againe. Also at Erith breach, a mariner riding by the marishes, sée|ing two maidens in the marishes, and perceiuing the waters breaking in so fast, that the maides were not like to escape, rode vnto them, and one of them gat vp behind him, & the other tooke hold on the horsse taile, and by that means were both saued from drow|ning. In the same marish were drowned a great number of sheepe. Also there in a marish land that was sowne, were two boies kéeping crowes in the after noone, & séeing the water breaking in so vehe|mentlie, gat them into a cart that was not farre from them, where they were faine to tarrie vntill the next tide, which came in so boisterouslie, that it had like to haue ouerthrowne both the cart & boies. And the one of them being more stronger than the other, kept the other in his armes,A boie drow|ned after he was dead. where he with cold, wet, and feare, died: so that he was faine to let him fall from him into the water, when he perceiued that he was past recouerie. A little from that place were al|so drowned a thousand shéepe, and also manie other cattell.