[1] [2] In the Wish at Rie (a place so called) the water came in so suddenlie,Hurt in Sus|sex by this sud+den inunda|tion of wa|ters. and flowed so high about mid|night, that it was eight or nine foot high in mens houses: insomuch that if one William White had not called them vp, some of them had like to haue béene drowned. And the same William White ha|uing a bote, fetcht a great companie of them out of their windowes, and carried them to drie land as fast as he could fetch them, which were in great dan|ger and feare, and glad to escape with their liues. Moreouer, the water came in so vehementlie there, that it brake into the marishes, and made such waie, that where of late yeares, and now before this great floud came, a cockebote could not passe in at a low water, now a fisherman drawing six foot water and more maie come in at a low water, and at a full sea the greatest ship that the quéenes maiestie hath may come in, and haue good harborough there.A strange e|uent wrought by the inflow|ing of the water. The conti|nuance of the same will not onelie be profitable to the most part of the inhabitants there, but also com|modious vnto all the queenes subiects trauelling by sea.