[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Wentford bridge, being verie strong, of eight ar|ches in length, had three of the arches broken, and cleane carried awaie. Master Smith at the swan there had his house (being thrée stories high) ouer|flowed vnto the third storie, and the wals of the sta|ble were broken downe, and the horsses tied to the manger were all drowned. Manie men had great losse, as well of sheepe, kine, oxen, great mares, colts of the breed of the great horsses,Great losse of cattell both great and small. and other cat|tell innumerable, of which the names manie of them shall here follow. Master Pelham lost eleuen hun|dred shéepe at Mumbie chappell. In Summercote were lost fiue hundred sheepe, that were of the inha|bitants there. Also betwéene Humerston & Grims|bie were lost eleuen hundred shéepe of one master Spensers, whose sheepheard about middaie, com|ming to his wife, asked his dinner: and she being more bold than manerlie, said, he should haue none of hir. Then he chanced to looke toward the marishes where the sheepe were, and saw the water breake in so fiercelie, that the shéepe would be lost, if they were not brought from thense, said, that he was not a good shéepheard that would not venture his life for his shéepe,Scripture abused. & so went streight to driue them from thense, but he & his shéepe were both drowned, and after the water being gone, he was found dead, standing vp|right in a ditch.