[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] At the same time in Wisbich was a garden, a ten|nise plaie, & a bowling allie walled about with bricke (which was worth twentie pounds by yeare to the owner) was quite destroied by the water.What hurt this tempest did in Lin|colneshire. Mumbie chappell, the whole towne was lost, except thrée hou|ses. A ship was driuen vpon an house, the sailers thinking they had béene vpon a rocke, committed themselues to God: and thrée of the marriners lept out of the ship, and chanced to take hold on the house top, and so saued themselues: and the wife of the same lieng in childbed, by climing vp into the top of the house, was also saued by the marriners, hir hus|band and child being both drowned. Likewise, the church was wholie ouerthrowne except the stéeple. Betwéene Boston and Newcastell were threescore sea vessels,Thréescore sea vessels lost in this tem|pest. as small ships, craires, and such like, lost vpon the coasts of Boston, Humerston, Marsh chap|pell, Tetnie, Stepneie, Nercots, Kelbie, & Grims|bie, where no ship can come in without a pilot, which were all lost, with goods, corne, & cattell, with all the salt cotes, where the chiefe and finest salt was made, were vtterlie destroied, to the vtter vndooing of manie a man, and great lamentation both of old and yoong.