[1] [2] [3] The sea brake in betwixt Wisbich and Walsoc|ken, and at the crosse keies drowning Tilneie,What hurt this tempest did in the countie of Norffolke. and old Lin, saint Marie Teding, saint Marie Tid, saint Iohns Wauple, Walton & Walsocken, Emneie, Iarmans, and Stow bridge, all being the space of ten miles. At the crosse keies the goodman of the inne had built an house with a strong foundation ioi|ning vnto an other house being old and not so strong, wherein were certeine ghests. And when the water came in so violentlie, the goodman of the house being in the stronger house, called the men out of the old house, and they would haue gone downe the stairs, but the water was so high that they could not come downe, wherefore they went backe againe, and brake an hole into the other house, where they went tho|rough, and the last man was no sooner in, but the old house fell downe. The walles of the houses were broken downe, and the horsses that were tied at the manger (which was made fast in the ground) did swim in the water, when the stable was cleane car|ried awaie, vntill the waters were asswaged, and were saued aliue, and the people were constreined to get vp to the highest parts of the house, and so to be carried awaie in botes.