[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Knights made by the earle of Sussex.The eight of August they marched towards Car|leill, where (by the waie) they burnt and ouerthrew two houses, the one being Arthur Greams aliàs Car|leill, the other rich George, two notable théeues. The same daie at night after the lord lieutenants com|ming to Carleill he made knights, sir Edward Ha|stings, sir Francis Russell, sir Ualentine Browne, sir William Hilton, sir Robert Stapleton, sir Hen|rie Curwen, sir Simon Musgraue.Tempest by sea and land which did much hurt. This yéere the fift of October chanced a terrible tempest of wind and raine both by sea and land, by meanes whereof manie ships perished, & much hurt was doone in di|uerse parts of the realme, as by a little pamphlet set foorth therof by Thomas Knell minister appéereth, Tho. Knell. What hurt this tempest did in Bed|fordshire. the effect whereof insueth. About midnight the water o|uerflowed so much, that men were faine to forsake their beds, & one woman drowned, where also were lost a great number of sheepe, oxen, kine, horsse, and other cattell. Among other there, one maister Cart|wright gentleman, hauing his house inclosed round about, the water came in so much, that a cart being laden with thornes did swim about the ground. Hée lost by the same floud, sheepe, and other cattell, to the value of an hundred pounds. The same gentleman had a close gate by the high waies side,A woonder of an hole made in the ground by a water|course. where the water ran ouer so extremelie, that at the fall thereof it made such an hole, that it was fortie foot déepe: so that no man could passe that waie without great danger. To the filling vp of the said hole or pit, was cast in by the men of the said towne fiue and twen|tie lodes of faggots, & twentie lodes of horsse doong, which said faggots and horsse doong filled not the hole. Also one maister Lée at the friers in Bedford, ha|uing a faire yard, wherein was great store of elme|trees, whereof thréescore were blowen downe, with the roots pulled cleane out of the ground. Also he had a close of conies that were cleane destroied.