[1] [2] [3] The seauen and twentith of Male, Thomas Nor|ton and Christopher Norton of Yorkshire,The Nor|tons execu|ted. being both condemned of high treason for the late rebellion in the north, were drawen from the tower of London to Tiborne, and there hanged, headed, and quartered. In this yeare also conspired certeine gentlemen with other in the countie of Norffolke,Conspiracie in Norffolke and where|vpon it tooke beginning. whose purpose was on Midsummer daie at Harlestone faire, with sound of trumpet and drum to haue rais [...]d a num|ber, and then to proclame their diuelish pretense a|gainst strangers and others. This matter was vtte|red by Thomas Ket one of the conspiracie vnto Iohn Kenseie, who foorthwith sent the same Ket with a conestable to the next iustice, before whome and o|ther [page 1222] iustices he opened the whole matter. Wherevp|on maister Drue Drurie immediatlie apprehen|ded Iohn Throckmorton, and after him manie gen|tlemen of the citie of Norwich, and the countie of Norffolke, who were all committed to prison, and at the next sessions of goale deliuerie at the castell of Norwich, the seauentéenth of Iulie before sir Robert Catlin knight lord chéefe iustice, Gilbert Gerard the quéenes attornie generall, and other iustices, ten of them were indicted of high treason, and some others of contempt. Diuerse of them were condemned, and had iudgement the one and twentith of August: and afterward thrée of them were hanged, bowelled, and quartered, which were Iohn Throckmorton of Nor|wich gentleman, who stood mute at his arreignment, but at the gallows confessed himselfe to be the chéefe conspirator, and that none had deserued to die but he, for that he had procured them. With him was execu|ted Thomas Brooke of Rolsbie gentleman on the thirtith of August; and George Dedman of Cringle|ford gentleman was likewise executed the second of September.