[1] [2] [3] [4] Herevpon,Restitution made of things taken awaie from the souldiors. not onelie such things as had bin ta|ken from those few souldiors, which first entred the towne ouer night, were not onelie restored: but di|uerse malefactors were also deliuered to the gene|rall, to be executed and ordered by his discretion; who séeing their submission, mercifullie & franklie sent them awaie vnto their capteins: & so these broiles were pacified and things set in quiet. After they had rested in Edenburgh a two daies, the first of Iune they dislodged. The generall comming to Seton the chiefe castell & house of the lord Seton,Seton castell spared at the sute of the la|die. the ladie was readie there also to present him the keies, with like humble submission as before: and therevpon re|ceiued the like fauor for this house, as was shewed to hir for the other. That night they lodged at Ha|dington.Anderwike saued from ruine by occa|sion. It was determined that the pile of Ander|wike should haue beene ouerthrowne: but vpon sute and bands taken of diuerse gentlemen, the place was spared, and the offendors receiued to mercie. [page 1221] And so the next daie, the generall with the horssemen came through to Berwike, a iournie of two and thir|tie long miles.