[1] [2] The duke of Chatelle|raults palace burned.The duke of Chatelleraults palace in Lithquo was yet burnt and rased, and marching to another house belonging to the said duke, called Kenile, distant from Lithquo about a mile or more, they likewise burned the same. Thus hauing doone their pleasures at Lithquo, and in the countrie about that towne, they marched from thense to a proper house and ca|stell, belonging to the lord Seton, called Neitherie, which the enimies had fortified.Neitherie. But yet when the la|die of that house came to the generall,The ladie Seton. and made humble petition on hir knées for his fauor, offering to him the keies of that place in most humble wise; she found such courtes [...]e at his hands, that with con|dition that she & a baron with hir should enter bands for assurance, that the castell should euer afterwards remaine at the quéene of Englands pleasure, he tooke hir the keies againe, leauing hir in possession of hir house and goods, without dooing hir anie fur|ther displeasure.