[1] The fiue and twentith of Maie sir William Dru|rie the generall retired his people vpon a policie from the castell, and left it without either watch or ward for that night. The next daie he sent sir George Careie to the castell with a trumpettor,The castell summoned. to know if they within would deliuer it vp, before the great or|dinance should come, which the capteine vtterlie re|fused to doo. Wherevpon the small shot clapt sudden|lie round about the house, and kept them within occu|pied, till that a whole culuering & a demie culuering came to them from Sterling, the which with foure of the English small field péeces were in the night following planted against the castell,The castell of Hamilton battered. and being shot off, a bullet of one of the great péeces passed through the walles into the castell.