[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The foure and twentith of Maie, the generall gaue summons vnto the castell. And bicause they within stoode stiffelie in deniall to make surrender thereof vnto him, he was driuen to send to Striueling for some great peeces of ordinance méet to make bat|terie.Great ordi|nance sent for. In the meane time, the earles of Lennox and Morton with the horssemen,The earles of Lennox and Morton. and some shot, marched into the countrie to a verie faire house of the abbat of Kilwinnings neere adioining,The abbeit of Kilwinnings burnt. whose name was Gawen Hamilton, which house they burnt and vtter|lie defaced, spoiling it, and rasing it downe to the earth. They burnt and spoiled also seuentéene houses more belonging to men of that surname, situate néere thereabouts, wherof one belonged vnto a lard that had married with the sister of Iames Hamil|ton of Bodweie haugh, which slue the regent. There were also burnt seuen other faire houses belonging to others that were not of that surname: but yet were of their friends and alies. Moreouer, there were diuerse other of their kinred and alies that came in with humble submission, and assured themselues, firmelie promising from thensefoorth their obedience to the king.