[1] [2] [3] Herevpon sir William Drurie with his sword and target, and sir George Careie with a case of pi|stols went foorth to the appointed place, whither the capteine of the castell also with an halbert, and one other with him, hauing likewise a case of pistols, came according to appointment.Sir William Drurie tal|keth with the capteine of Hamilton castell. But after they had talked togither, and that the capteine would not in a|nie wise consent to deliuer vp the castell, he with his associat returned to their hold againe, & the English generall, with sir George Careie, came backe to the campe, and therevpon the English ordinance was presentlie placed about the castell,The English ordinance shooteth at the castell. and shot verie sore all that night: but did no great hurt, by reason they were but field péeces, and not fit for batterie. They in the castell likewise shot verie sore at the English|men, but did no great harme, sauing that there were thrée of the footmen hurt. In the palace which was a pretie house the duchesse of Chatellerault was at that time resident,The duchesse of Chatelle|rault com|mitted to the charge of an English knight. to whom sir William Drurie did re|paire, offering hir all the courtesie he might, with all that to hir apperteined, willing hir not to feare anie thing: and for hir more assurance, he committed hir to the charge of sir Thomas Maners.