[1] [2] [3] Though manie waies were sought by message and otherwise, to mooue the lord Fleming to defend with battell the fault and follie committed: yet it would not be; for he shifted off the matter, so as it well appered, it was but lost labor further to attempt him therein.A muster of Scotishmen to the number of 4000. The two and twentith of Maie, the earle of Lennox, accompanied with the earle of Glen|carne, the lord Simple, and other his friends, feoda|ries & alies, mustered on the moore before the towne of Glasco the number of foure thousand horssemen and footmen, that were there assembled to serue him, in presence of sir William Drurie, and other of the English capteins. The thrée and twentith of Maie, sir William Drurie,The armie goeth toward Hamilton. the earle of Lennox, and other the Scotish lords, and the whole armie marched to|wards the castell of Hamilton, and sending a trum|pettor, and one with him to parlée with the capteine named Andrew Hamilton, he agreed to come foorth, and one other with him, to talke with sir William Drurie, and one other gentleman, such as he should thinke good to bring with him to a place somewhat distant, as well from the castell as the campe.