[1] But now to returne to the earle of Sussex, who hauing instituted sir William Drurie generall of those bands that should passe with the earle of Lennox into Scotland: bicause each gentleman,The lord lieu|tenants orati|on implieng obedience of the souldiors to their new generall. souldior, and seuerall bands should dutifullie obeie the said sir William their new ordeined generall in all points of warlike order, the said earle made an oration in such pithie forme and manner, as through|lie expressed the whole substance of the seruice, the vnsuertie of the season, the strange and malicious dealing of diuerse aduersaries: which points he so cunninglie handled, as the excellencie of a perfect orator appeared fullie in his speach. At whose elo|quence the herers rather séemed astonied than vnsa|tisfied in anie point or parcell of those matters: for he opened the verie bowels of rebellion, the practises of enimies, and suborning of traitors: and therefore persuaded euerie honest mind to haue a dutifull con|sideration of his prince and countrie, in the defense and libertie whereof, both life, lands, and goods, are al|waies to be offered.