[1] [2] Upon the comming backe of the messenger with this answer, the lord lieutenant thought good to send the said master Drurie vnto the place appoin|ted: who comming thither met with the said lord Hume. And after they had debated the matter togi|ther, at length the lord Hume was contented that the castell should be surrendered into the hands of the lord lieutenant; with condition, that his people therein might depart with life: which the lord lieute|nant was contented to grant, so that there we [...] n [...] English men among them.The castell of Hume deliue|red to the marshall. Héerevpon about eight of the clocke in the euening, the gates were ope|ned, and the keies deliuered to the marshall, who presented them to the lord lieutenant: and then the lord Hunnesdon, the said marshall, and diuerse other gentlemen entered into the castell, and by & by tooke [page 1216] possession thereof in the quéene of Englands name, pulled downe their banner of defiance, and in place thereof set vp the English banners, against all those in Scotland that would saie the contrarie.