[1] [2] They being brought in doubt of their owne safe|ties hereby, sent one in post togither with a seruant of master Druries the marshall, to the lord Hume. And presentlie heerevpon they shewed themselues vpon the walles and rampires of the said castell: but immediatlie the lord lieutenant sent to them a com|mandement, strictlie inhibiting them, that not one of them should once on paine of death looke ouer the wals or rampires,The lord lieutenants commande|ment on pain [...] of death. to the end to view the breach of the batterie, forsomuch as in the time of parlée it was against the law of armes so to doo. But now the messenger that was thus sent to the lord Hume, com|ming to him, declared i [...] what case his house and people stood, who being (as was supposed) not so farre off, but that he might heare how lustilie the Eng|lish canons did canuasse and batter his Humish ca|stell walles, did now agrée to méet the marshall ma|ster Drurie two miles distant from the said ca|stell, and there to commune further with him in that matter.