[1] [2] [3] This worke was so well applied, and with so great diligence aduanced,Batterie made against Hume castell. that by fiue of the clocke in the next morning it was finished. The eight and twen|tith of Aprill, the marshall maister Drurie verie earlie rode about the castell, to surueie and view eue|rie thing: which doone, the great ordinance was brought to the appointed place, and bent against the castell, to wit, thrée canons, and two falcons. Héere|with also the lord lieutenant caused summons to be giuen vnto them within to yéeld. And about sea|uen of the clocke the same morning, the whole tire began to go off, and a great showt was made by the armie, to the great terrour of the defendants, and of all the countrie neere adioining. The foresaid péeces continued shooting till two of the clocke in the after|noone, discharging within that space a thrée score shots. During the time of this batterie, there was no great store of shot discharged by the great peeces within the castell, bicause their master gunner with|in, after he had first shot off a péece, and doone no hurt therewith, as he was about to shoot againe, the ma|ster gunner of the two English falcons hauing espied him, tooke his leuell so right, that discharging therewith one of the falcons,The master gunner with|in the castell hurt. he displaced the eni|mies péece, and stroke the gunners leg off, whereby their great ordinance within ceassed, which was an happie turne for the Englishmen.