[1] [2] The order ta|ken by the earle of Sus|sex for the safe [...]ie of the armie.This doone, with good circumspection he appointed the demilances and other horssemen to remaine be|hind in the rereward, and put the footmen in the bat|tell, for the more safegard of themselues, the ordi|nance and cariages. Then his lordship himselfe with his owne standard, and the lord of Hunnesdons gui|don, marched forward towards Hume castell, com|manding the rest of the armie with the ordinance to follow after, and so about one of the clocke in the af|ternoone, he came before the castell: out of the which the enimies shot at his standard verie hotlie; but (God be praised) without dooing hurt either to man or horsse, and incamped vnder a rocke or crag (which the marshall had possessed) with his band of horsse|men and certeine footmen, as in a place most apt from danger of shot out of the castell. Héerewith a companie of curriours and caliuers were put for|ward,Hume castell besieged. and appointed to take an other rocke néerer to the castell, which shot at them in the said castell; and the defendants within it answered them againe ve|rie roundlie, although without anie great hurt on either part.