[1] [2] Now in the meane while that he with his power thus afflicted the aduersaries on that side,The lord Scroope with his power. the lord Scroope warden of the west marches the eightéenth of Aprill entered Scotland on that side, with such forces as he had assembled. And the first night they incamped at Eglesham, and in the morning at the dislodging of the campe, that towne was burnt; and passing forward through the countrie, they burnt and spoiled diuerse other townes, almost till they came to Dunfrise, and had diuerse conflicts with the enimies, gaue them sundrie ouerthrowes, tooke ma|nie of them prisoners. And hauing accomplished his purpose, to his high praise and commendation, his lordship returned in safetie with his people into England; hauing burnt in that iourneie these pla|ces following: Hoddon, Trailebrow, old Cockpoole, Sherington, Blackeshaw, Banke end, Rowell, Logher wood, Bride kirke, and others. During these inuasions thus made into Scotland in that season,The marches of England garded a|gainst the enimie. the marches of England were so stronglie garded in all places by the lord Euers, sir George Bowes, and others; that the Scots durst not so much as once of|fer to make anie inuasion: so that in absence of the armies, there was not so much as an house burnt, or a cow driuen out of the English borders.