[1] [2] This doone, they returned againe néere to Kelseie,The lord lieu|tenants pur|pose to besiege Hume castell. where the lord lieutenant lodged for that night, mea|ning to haue besieged Hume castell. For the accom|plishment whereof, the same night the lord of Hun|nesdon and his companie went to Warke, to bring from thence the daie next following the great artil|lerie. But bicause the cariage horsses were returned to Barwike, this could not be brought to passe, & so the lord lieutenant with the whole armie returning into England the two & twentith of Aprill, came that night to Barwike.What castels & piles were ouerthrowne and spoiled in this voiage. In this iourneie there were ra|sed, ouerthrowne and spoiled, aboue fiftie castels and piles, and more than three hundred townes and villa|ges: so that there were verie few in Tiuidale and those parties there abouts, which had either receiued the English rebels, or by inuasion indamaged the English borders, and good subiects inhabiting vpon the same, that had left to them either castell, pile or house, for themselues, their freends, or tenants, beside the great losse of goods which were wasted, taken a|waie or consumed by this armie vnder the lord lieu|tenant.