[1] [2] On good fridaie the seauen and twentith of March Simon Digbie of Askue, Iohn Stow. Rebelles executed at Yorke. Iohn Fulthorpe of Isil|becke in the countie of Yorke esquiers, Robert Pe|neman of Stokesleie, Thomas Bishop the yoonger of Poklinton in the same countie of Yorke, gentle|men, were drawne from the castell of Yorke to the place of execution called Knaues mire,Knaues mire. halfe a mile without the citie of Yorke, and there hanged, headed, and quartered; their foure heads were set on foure principall gates of the citie, with foure of their quar|ters; the other in diuerse places of the countrie. Os|clope Clesbe was with them drawne to the gallows, and returned againe to the castell. William earle of Penbroke baron of Cardiffe,The earle of Penbroke deceased. knight of the gar|ter, one of the priuie councell, and lord steward of the quéenes maiesties houshold, deceased the eightéenth of Aprill, and was buried in saint Paules church at London. D. Powell in hist. Camb. pag. 399. ¶This noble man liued in great credit and estimation with king Henrie the eight, king Ed|ward the sixt, quéene Marie, and quéene Elisabeth, and was by euerie of the said princes imploied in matters of great importance: and for his good and faithfull seruice greatlie honored, as appéereth in an epitaph fixed vpon his toome in the cathedrall church of saint Paule in London, which I thought good here to laie downe.