[1] [2] [3] Bernards ca|stell besieged and defended.The thrée and twentith of Nouember, they besie|ged Bernards castell, which castell was valiantlie defended by sir George Bowes, and Robert Bowes his brother, the space of eleuen daies, and then deli|uered with composition to depart with armor, mu|nition, bag and baggage. In which time the quéens maiestie caused the said earles of Northumberland & Westmerland to be proclamed traitors,The earles [...]roclamed traitors. with all their adherents and fauourers, the foure and twen|tith of Nouember. The lord Scroope warden of the west marches, calling vnto him the earle of Cumberland and other gentlemen of the countrie, kept the citie of Carleill. The earle of Sussex the quéens lieutenant generall in the north,The earle of Sussex went against the rebels. published there the like proclamations (in effect) as had beene published by hir maiestie against the said rebels, and also sent out to all such gentlemen as he knew to be hir maiestes louing subiects vnder his rule, who came vnto him with such numbers of their friends, as he was able in fiue daies to make aboue fiue thousand horssemen and footmen. And so being ac|companied with the erle of Rutland his lieutenant, the lord Hunsdon generall of the horssemen, sir Rafe Sadler treasuror, the lord William Euers,The earle of Rutland and the lord Huns|don, with o|thers against the rebels. that was after appointed to lead the reareward, and diuerse other, that with their tenants and seruants were come to him, remaining as then within the ci|tie of Yorke: he set forward from thense the fift of December being sundaie, and marched with his power which he had thus got togither towards the enimies.