[1] Moreouer the eight and twentith daie of the fore|said moneth of March, the said William Holstocke seruing in the Anthelop (at that present admerall) and in his companie being William Winter the yonger (at that time his viceadmerall) seruing in the Aid, and Iohn Basing capteine of the Swallow, and Thomas Gouarlie capteine of the Phenix met in the narrow seas with fouretéene saile of great hulkes, which were come out of Portugall, and bound to Flanders: their chiefe lading being Portugall salt and yet had good store of Spanish roials of plate, and also of good spices. The which fourteene hulkes did mainteine their fight for the space of two houres. And after that they did perceiue that they could not preuaile,Six Spanish hulks laden with di|uerse things taken by the English. hauing tasted of the ordinance of the queens ships to their great hurt, as well in slaughter of their men, as also in spoile of their ships, the said Holstock and his companie tooke eight of the said hulks, wher|of six were sent into the riuer of Thames. And the admerall and viceadmerall in the said hulks being two great ships (which the said Holstocke himselfe did take) were caried vnto Harwich, and there dis|charged.