[1] [2] Now shortlie after,The earle of Sussex depar|teth from Uienna, &c. his lordship with certeine of his companie taking leaue of the emperour, depar|ted from Uienna the fourtéenth of Ianuarie afore|said vnto Newstat, and so through the countrie of Stire vnto Gra [...]z the chiefe citie of Carinth, where he tooke also leaue of the said archduke Charles: and from thence returning, passed those parts of the Alpes vnto Saltzburgh, where he met with the other part of his traine, and so by continuing iourneies came againe into England to the queenes maiestie towards the latter end of March. Iohn Stow. Anno Reg. 10. A sharpe win|ter following a drie summer. After a drie sum|mer folowed an extreme sharpe winter, namelie the [page 1211] latter part therof, with such great scarsitie of fodder and haie, that in diuerse places the same was sold by weight, as in Yorkeshire, and in the Peake of Dar|bishire, where a stone of haie was sold for fiue pence. There followed also a great death of cattell, namelie of horsse and sheepe.