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Standing watch at mid|summer main|tained in London.

The emperor Ma [...]imilian inuested into the order of the garter.

On saint Iohns euen at night was the like stan|ding watch in London, as had beene on saint Pe|ters euen in the yeare last before mentioned. This yeare the emperour Maximilian the second of that name, being elected into the most honourable order of the garter, the right honourable Thomas earle of Sussex, &c: knight of the same most noble order, was appointed by the quéenes maiestie to go vnto the said emperour, with the said order of the garter, according to his said election. Who being honorablie accompanied with the lord North, sir Thomas Mildmaie knight, Henrie Cobham esquier, one of the pensioners, and others, departed from London the fiue and twentith of Iune 1567, vnto Douer, and there imbarked, landed at Calis, and his traine at Dunkirke, and so passed through the low countries to Antwerpe in Brabant, where he was honoura|blie receiued by the English merchants and others,The earle of Susse [...] visi|teth madame de Parma. and being there went to visit madame de Parma, regent of the said countries, then resident within the same towne.