[1] [2] [3] The two and twentith of Aprill by great misfor|tune of fire in the towne of Ossestrie in Wales,The towne of Ossestrie burnt thrise in thirtie yeares. twelue miles from Shrewsburie, to the number of two hundred houses, to wit, seuen score within the wals, and three score without in the suburbs, besides cloth, corne, cattell, &c: were consumed, which fire be|gan at two of the clocke in the after noone, and ended at foure, to the great maruell of manie, that so great a spoile in so short a time should happen. Two long stréets with great riches in that towne was burnt in the yeare 1542: and likewise or worse in the yeare 1564. The foure and twentith of Aprill the sergeants feast was kept at Greis inne néere vnto Holborne,Sergeants [...]. and there were at that time made se|uen new sergeants of the law. The seuenteenth of Maie in the towne of Milnall in Suffolke eight miles from Newmarket,Milnal in Suffolke burnt. thirtie seuen houses be|sides barnes, stables, and such like were consumed with fire in the space of two houres.