[1] [2] The valiant capteine Edward Randoll esquier,Souldiers transported into Ireland to vanquish Shane Oneil. lieutenant of the ordinance, and coronell of a thou|sand footmen, in September last past was with his band imbarked at Bristow, and within few daies after landed at Knockfergus in the north parts of Ireland; and from thence by water to a place called Derrie, by which passeth the riuer Longfoile. There the said coronell in short space fortified, to the great annoiance of Shane Oneil, and by great foresight and experience garded himselfe and his charge, till the said Oneil (to hinder and disturbe his aboad there) the twelfe of Nouember arriued with a great armie of Kerne Galowglasses and horssemen, with whome the said capteine Randoll incountered, and him there so discomfited, as after that conflict he durst neuer approch the quéenes power. And to his perpetuall fame, the said capteine by reason of his bold and hardie onset, that daie lost his life.Yoong prince of Scots christened. Charles Iames the sixt of that name, son to Henrie Stuart lord of Darnleie and Marie king & queene of Scots was borne in Edenburgh castell, the ninetéenth of Iune last past: Anno Reg. 9. and the eighteenth of December this yeare solemnlie christened at Sterling, whose godfa|thers at the christening were Charles K. of France, and Philibert duke of Sauoie, and the quéenes ma|iestie of England was the godmother, who gaue a font of gold curiouslie wrought and inameled, wai|eng three hundred & thrée and thirtie ounces, amoun|ting in value to the summe of 1043 pounds, nine|téene shillings.