[1] [2] [3] The fift of September after disputations, the quéene at the humble sute of certeine hir nobilitie, and the K. of Spaines ambassador, made a bréefe o|ration in Latine to the vniuersitie;The quéene maketh an oration to the vniuersitie. but so wise and pithie as England may reioise that it hath so lear|ned a prince, and the vniuersitie may triumph that they haue so noble a patronesse. The sixt of Septem|ber after dinner, hir grace comming from Christs church ouer Carfox, and so to S. Maries, the scholers standing in order according to their degrees euen to the east gate, certeine doctors of the vniuersitie did ride before in their scarlet gownes and hoods, & mai|sters of art in blacke gownes and hoods. The maior also with certeine of his brethren did ride before hir in scarlet to the end of Magdalen bridge, where their liberties ended: but the doctors and maisters went forward still to Shootouer, a mile and more out of Oxford, bicause their liberties extended so far: and there after orations made, hir highnes with thanks to the whole vniuersitie bad them farewell, and rode to Ricote.