[1] [2] Anno Reg. 8.The foure and twentith of December in the mor|ning, there rose a great storme and tempest of wind, by whose rage the Thames and seas ouerwhelmed manie persons, and the great gates at the west end of S. Paules church in London (betwéene the which standeth the brasen piller) were through the force of the wind,Paules gate blowen open. then in the westerne part of the world, blowne open. In Ianuarie monsieur Rambulet a knight of the order in France was sent ouer into England,Order of saint Michaell. by the French king Charles the ninth of that name, with the order: who at Windsore was stalled in the behalfe of the said French king, with the knighthood of the most honorable order of the garter. And the foure and twentith of Ianuarie, in the chappell of hir maiesties palace of Whitehall, the said monsieur Rambulet inuested Thomas duke of Norffolke, and Robert earle of Leicester, with the said order of S. Michaell.