[1] Christopher prince and margraue of Baden,The mar|graue or mar|ques of Badẽ and his wi [...]e great with child come to London. with Cicilie his wife sister to the king of Swethland, af|ter a long and dangerous iournie, wherein they had trauelled almost eleuen months sailing from Stock|holme, crossing the seas ouer into Lifeland, from whence by land they came about by Poland, Prussie, Pomerland, Meckelburgh, Friseland, and so to Ant|werpe in Brabant, then to Calis, at the last in Sep|tember landed at Douer, and the eleuenth daie of the same they came to London, and were lodged at the earle of Bedfords place neere to Iuie bridge, where within foure daies after, that is to saie, the fiftéenth of September she trauelled in childbed,She is deli|uered of a child. and was de|liuered of a man child: which child the last of Sep|tember was christened in the quéenes maiesties chappell of White hall at Westminster, the quéenes maiestie in hir owne person being godmother, the archbishop of Canturburie, and the duke of Norf|folke godfathers. At the christening the quéene gaue the child to name Edwardus Fortunatus: for that God had so gratiouslie assisted his mother,The quéene giueth the name. in so long and dangerous a iournie, and brought hir safe to land in that place, which she most desired, and that in so short time before hir deliuerance.