[1] [2] The third daie of Februarie,Henrie Stu|art married the quéene of Scots. Henrie Stuart lord Darleie, about the age of ninetéene yeares, eldest sonne to Matthew earle of Lineux (who went into Scotland at Whitsuntide before) hauing obteined licence of the quéenes maiestie, tooke his iourneie to|wards Scotland, accompanied with fiue of his fa|thers men, where when he came, he was honorablie receiued, & lodged in the kings lodgings, and in the summer following, he maried Marie quéen of Scot|land. About this time, for the quéenes maiestie were chosen and sent commissioners to Bruges,Commissio|ners chosen to go to Bruges the lord Montacute knight of the honourable order of the garter, doctor Wotton one of hir maiesties honou|rable councell, doctor Haddon one of the masters of requests to hir highnesse, with others: master doctor Aubreie was for the merchant aduenturers of Eng|land: they came to Bruges in Lent, Anno 1565, and continued there till Michaelmasse following, and then was the diet prolonged till March in the yeare 1566, and the commissioners returned into Eng|land.