[1] [2] [3] The next daie, she went forward on hir progresse to Finchinbrooke by Huntington.Duterier and Belman for the daie. The thirtith daie of August was enacted by a common councell of the citie of London, that all such citizens as from thence foorth should be constreined to sell their houshold stuffe, leases of houses, or such like, should first cause the same to be cried through the citie by a man wi [...]h a bell, and then to be sold by the common outcrier appointed for that purpose, and he to reteine one far|thing vpon the shilling for his paines. The twentith of September arose great flouds in the riuer of Thames,Great flouds in ye Thames. where through the marshes néere adioining were ouerflowed, and manie cattell drowned.