[1] [2] [3] An earthquake was in the moneth of September in diuerse places of this realme,An earth|quake in di|uerse places [...] England. speciallie in Lin|colne & Northamptonshires. After the election of the maior of London by the councels letters, the quéens maiesties pleasure was signified vnto sir Thomas Lodge then maior, that forsomuch as the plague was so great in the citie, the new maior elected shuld kéepe no feast at the Guildhall,No maiors feast kept at the Guildhall. for doubt that tho|rough bringing togither such a multitude, the infec|tion might increase. For that wéeke there died with|in the citie and out parishes, more than two thou|sand: wherefore sir Iohn Whight, the new maior, tooke his oth at the vttermost gate of the tower of London. Anno Reg. 6. From the first daie of December, till the twelfe, was such continuall lightning and thunder, especiallie the same twelfe daie at night,Lightning & thunder in December. that the like had not béene séene nor heard by anie man then liuing.