[1] But now to passe to other matters at home. As ye haue heard, Iohn Stow. Pestilence transported from New|hauen to Lon|don. the plague of pestilence being in the towne of Newhauen, thorough the number of soul|diors that returned into England the infection ther|of spread into diuerse parts of this realme: but espe|ciallie the citie of London was so infected, that in the same whole yeare, that is to saie, from the first of Ianuarie 1562, vntill the last of December, in 1563, there died in the citie and liberties thereof (conteining one hundred & eight parishes) of all dis|eases twentie thousand, three hundred,One hundred and eight pa|rishes in Lon|don, besides eleuen in the suburbs. thrée score and twelue: and of the plague being part of the number aforesaid, seuentéene thousand, foure hundred, and foure persons. And in the outparishes adioining to the same citie, being eleuen parishes, died of all dis|eases in the whole yeare, thrée thousand, two hundred, foure score and eight persons: and of them, of the plague two thousand, seuen hundred, thirtie and two. So that the whole number of all that died of all dis|eases, as well within the citie and liberties, as in the outparishes, was twentie thrée thousand six hundred and thréescore: and of them there died of the plague, twentie thousand one hundred thirtie and six.