[1] [2] Besides the meaner sort of those that died of the pestilence during the siege,Chiefe perso|nages that died of the plague at Newhauen. these I doo find noted as chiefe: Cutbert Uaughan comptrollor of the towne, Francis Summerset coosine to the earle of Worce|ster, Auerie Darcie brother to the lord Darcie, Iohn Zouch brother to the lord Zouch, Edward Ormes|bie, Thomas Drurie aliàs Po [...]gnard, Richard Cro|ker, Iohn Cockson, Thomas Kemish, Iohn Proud, William Saule, Wilfreid Antwisell. Besides these being capteins in chiefe dieng there in that towne, or else sickening there and dieng vpon their returne into England, there were diuerse other gentlemen, and such as had charge, which likewise ended their liues by force of that cruell and most gréeuous pesti|lent infection.Diuerse of name by ca|non shot, &c. slaine. There were diuerse also that were slaine, as well by canon shot, as otherwise in the field in skirmish, as both the Tremains brethren of one birth, Nicholas and Andrew, capteine Richard Sanders, with master Robinson, and master Brom|field, of which two before ye haue heard: also one Leighton a gentleman, & diuerse mo whose names I know not, worthie neuerthelesse to be remembred & placed in ranke with such worthie men, as in their countries cause haue lost their liues, and are there|fore by writers registred to liue by fame for euer.