[1] [2] On saturdaie the most part of the Englishmen tooke ship and departed homewards: for glad might he thinke himselfe that could get soonest out of that vnwholsome and most vnsauorie aire. Manie sicke persons yet were left behind, impotent and not able to helpe themselues. The miserie whereof Edward Randoll esquire high marshall of the towne (who was appointed to tarrie and sée the vttermost of the composition accomplished) perceiuing, mooued with naturall pitie of his countrimen relinquished with|out comfort, Iohn Stow. Maister Ed|ward Ran|doll full of pi|tie and com|miseration. caused the said sicke persons to be caried aboord, not sparing his owne shoulders, at that time féeble and full of the plague, himselfe and his men still bearing & helping the poore creatures on shipboord. A rare fact worthie reward, and no doubt in remem|brance with God, the true recorder of mercifull de|serts. Thus was the towne of Newhauen reduced againe into the hands of the French, more vndoub|tedlie through the extreme mortalitie that so outra|giouslie afflicted the soldiors and men of warre with|in the same, than by the enimies inforcements, al|though the same was great, and aduanced to the vt|termost of the aduersaries power.