[1] [2] [3] [4] Which when the conestable perceiued, he caused a trumpet to sound the blast of imparleacute;e, that talke might be had for the concluding of a composition be|twixt both the parties. This offer, considering that sore contagious mortalitie wherwith the towne was most greeuouslie infected, hauing so greatlie inféeb|led the English forces within the same, was thought not vnméet to be receiued. Herevpon, after a sallie made by the Englishmen, and a faire skirmish be|twixt them and the Frenchmen that laie afore the fort de Lheure,Capteine Pelham went foorth to talke with the com|missioners. on the tuesdaie the seauen and twen|tith of Iulie maister William Pelham capteine of the fort, with another gentleman and a trumpetter, went foorth by appointment, and was receiued first by monsieur de Losses, who brought him to the mar|shall Montmorencie, and after by his appointment went with him by the Reingraues campe to the co|nestable: and till his returne a truce was accorded on that side of the fort. After that maister Pelham had talked a space with the conestable, the matter was put ouer till the next daie, and so he returned.