[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] The marshall Montmorancie caused a platforme to be raised, ioining to the Palisad, where about eue|ning the same daie he planted foure péeces of artil|lerie. On sundaie the fiue and twentith of Iulie, monsieur de Estrée, great maister of the artillerie, accompanied with the seneshall of Agenois,Monsieur de Estrée. vsed all diligence that might be to place the artillerie for batterie: wherevnto also,Monsieur de Ca [...]lac. monsieur de Caillac ap|plied himselfe by the conestables commandement, who had compounded a matter in variance betwixt him and monsieur de Estrée. This sundaie and mondaie following, they were verie busie to bring their purpose in that behalfe to passe, & likewise to aduance their trench vnto the side of the breach. The marshall de Burdelon abode in the trench there all sundaie, and lost two of his gentlemen. The mar|shall [page 1204] Montmorencie,The marshall Montmoren|cie. accompanied with diuerse lords & knights of the order, remained all mondaie in the trenches, to prepare things readie for the bat|terie, not without some danger of his person. For the stones that were beaten with the bullets comming out of the towne flew verie fast about his eares, of the which there was one that lent him a blow on the shoulder, an other of them philipped him on the fin|gers, and lighting also in other parts of his bodie, if his armor had not defended him the better, he had not escaped without further harme. The same daie, the prince of Conde and the duke of Montpensier came to the campe,The prince of Conde and the duke of Montpensier. and alighting at the conestables lodging, went from thence' to the trenches, to re|lieue the marshall Montmorencie, and to supplie his roome, whilest he might in the meane time go to sup with his father, and so take his rest. Monsieur De|strée, and the other that had charge about the plan|ting and ordering of the artillerie, vsed such dilgence, and were so earnestlie called vpon and incouraged by the prince of Conde, continuallie remaining in the trenches,The bul|worke of saint Addresses bat|tered. that on tuesdaie in the morning, the artillerie began to batter the bulworke of saint Ad|dresses, and other places.