[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The Englishmen and Frenchmen were no sooner departed, they to their trenches, and the English|men into the towne, but that the enimies hauing planted that morning eight canons in batterie a|gainst the castell, and the bulworke of the hauen, caused the same to be shot off,The castell battered. continuing the same till wednesdaie at noone, being the eight and twen|tith of Iulie. There were six other canons also plan|ted by them in the meane space, which likewise made batterie to the castell, and to the townegate. In this meane time also, Cutbert Uaughan comptrollor,Cutbert Uaughan de|parteth this life, his woor|thie praise. departed out of this life, a skilfull man of warre, and no lesse circumspect than hardie, both to preserue those which he had vnder his conduction, and to in|courage them to doo manfullie, when time thereto serued. Saturdaie, the foure & twentith of Iulie, the batterie still continuing as before, certeine peeces were bent also to beat and trauerse the hauen. The Englishmen therefore setting fire on two wind|mils that stood there,Windmils set on fire. abandoned a trench which they kept: and the Palisad, capteine Poiet, lieutenant of an other of the ensignes coronels of the French footmen vnder monsieur Dandelot, entred with his band, and tooke possession of a tower that stood at the end of the said Palisad. The French yet had hot a|biding there, notwithstanding all the diligence and policie which they could vse to lodge there in safetie. Among others,Richlieu ma [...]ster of the campe hurt capteine Richlieu maister of the campe, was hurt in the shoulder with an harquebuse shot.