[6] On fridaie the eightéenth
of Iune, a sergeant of capteine Blunts band,Execution of
souldiors for drawing vpon their cap|teins. and a souldior of
capteine Darcies band, were executed in the market place of Newhauen, for
drawing their weapons against their capteins, and forsaking their appointed
places of warding, and such other lewd parts which they had committed. The
fiue and twentith of Iune, procla|mation was made,A
proclama|tion forbid|ding resort of souldiors to Newhauen without
li|cence. that no souldior of the new fort should resort to the
towne of Newhauen, without licence of his capteine, or some of his
principall of|ficers, on paine of death: or that anie man should presume to
passe the limits of the said new fort, ex|cept vpon occasion of seruice, in
companie of his capteine or lieutenant, on like paine. And this order was
taken, because diuerse stragling abroad, had béene taken prisoners, and
slaine by the enimies, to their owne reproch, & hind [...]rance of the princes ser|uice. The eight and twentith of Iune, the
French|men came downe to the village of Lheure, & there verie néere
to the fort began to skirmish with the Englishmen. There were of them ten
ensignes of footmen, and two hundred horssemen. This skirmish lasted thrée
A long skir|mish without anie great hurt. Canons pla|ced to beate the towne.