[1] [2] [3] The ninth of Iune arriued at Newhauen three capteins with their bands,A new supplie [...] Berwike souldiers. of an hundred a péece, being of the garrison of Berwike: to wit, capteine Tremaine, capteine Cornewall, & capteine Carew. Edward Randoll also landed there the same daie, appointed to be knight marshall.Capteine Randoll ap|pointed knight marshall. For ye must vnder|stand, that sir Adrian Poinings, being knight mar|shall vpon his returne into England, was otherwise emploid, and went not backe againe: and then was sir Thomas Finch of Kent appointed to go ouer to supplie the roome of knight marshall:Sir Thomas F [...]nch. who making his prouision readie, sent ouer his brother Erasmus Finch to haue charge of his band; and his kinsman Thomas Finch to be his prouost marshall, whilest staieng till he had euerie thing in a readinesse to passe ouer himselfe. At last, he imbarked in one of the quéenes maiesties ships called the Greiehound, ha|uing there aboord with him, beside thréescore and six of his owne retinue, fourtéene other gentlemen, two of them being brethren to the lord Wentwoorth, Iames Wentwoorth, and Iohn Wentwoorth, with diuerse o|thers, who in the whole (accounting the mariners) a|mounted vnto the number of 200 persons and vp|ward. And as they were on the furthest coast toward Newhauen, they were by contrarie wind and foule weather driuen backe toward the coast of England; and plieng towards Rie, they forced the capteine of the ship, a verie cunning seaman named William Maline, and also the maister and mariners,Sir Thomas Finch dro [...]|ned. to thrust into the hauen before the tide, and so they all perished, seuen of the meaner sort onlie excepted, where of three died shortlie after they came to land.