[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The Englishmen verelie in this seruice shewed, that they were nothing degenerat from the ancient race of their noble progenitors. Besides those that were slaine on the French part amongst whom was one of their capteins of good account amongst them, they tooke also Bassompeere an Almane, coronell ouer ten ensignes of footmen.Bassompéere. The presence of the lord lieutenant was not wanting that daie, both to incourage his worthie souldiers, and also to sée them applied with weapon [...]nd munition, so as they should not be vnprouided of anie thing that was néedfull for seruice. Of Englishmen there was hurt capteine Gilbert, and capteine Pelham, and about fiftéene o|ther hurt and slaine.Capteine Gil|bert and cap|teine Pelham hurt. Edward Dudleie. The seuenth of Iune capteine Edward Dudleie arriued at Newhauen, with an hundred souldiers. The morrow after, the first canon shot light within the towne of Newhauen, néere to the bulworke of saint Addresses, striking into the house where capteine Whéeler was lodged, which shot being brought to my lord of Warwike by Blew|mantell purseuant at armes, his honor beholding it, reioised thereat, and said, by Gods grace he would answer them againe.