[1] [2] [3] In this skirmish, being one of the notablest that had béene lightlie séene manie a daie before, capteine Horseie shewed woorthie proofe of his most valiant courage,Capteine Horseies va|liant. winning to himselfe such commemdation, as the same will not be forgotten, whilest anie shall remaine aliue that beheld his manfull dealings: be|ing such at that present, as deserue to be registred in the booke of fame, & to continue with posteritie for e|uer. On saturdaie the fift of Iune at seuen of the clocke at night, the Reinsgraue hauing laid in the village of Lheure an ambush of six hundred horsse|men, and fiftéene hundred footmen, there came downe also betwéene the abbeie and the village called En|glefield towards the towne,Another skirmish. the number of a thou|sand footmen, which began a verie hot skirmish, first at the new fort, comming euen hard to the ditches, where the Englishmen manfullie incountered them. Herewith also the Reinsgraue appointed other to come downe, and approch the bulworks of saint Ad|dresses, saint Francis, & saint Michaell, and to (con|clude) round about the towne: so that there were of them to the number of six thousand that were im|ploied in this skirmish, which was mainteined right fercelie for the space of two hours, with verie sharpe and cruell fight: in the end the enimies were forced to giue place,The number which the French lost in t [...]is skirmish. with the losse of fiue hundred of their men, Almans, Frenchmen, Gascoignes, and Spa|niards.